Online Safety
No limits... Just possibilities

Internet Safety
As a school we take internet safety very seriously. Our students use the internet and it is our responsibility to ensure they use it in a safe way. As a trust, we employ a range of measures to support this. We have filtering systems that ensure that illegal or explicit content cannot be accessed and we employ another piece of software, Smoothwall, which reports any concerns about a young person’s activity whilst using a computer directly to our safeguarding team. All of our staff are trained annually in online safety to ensure that they have a solid understanding of the potential risks for anyone using the internet, online games or social media. We teach specific lessons on internet safety, but you will find below some brief guidelines on keeping your child safe on the internet at home.
How to help keep your child safe online:
Compiled with the help of Thinkuknow, the national online safety education programme from CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command), the online child protection command of the National Crime Agency.
CEOP is a really useful resource for families and professionals in relation to online safety. It provides information on how to keep young people of different ages and abilities safe whilst navigating the internet as well as being a point of contact if you have suffered abuse online or have concerns regarding someone’s behaviour online. Our head of Safeguarding is a trained CEOP Ambassador.
The school’s safeguarding team can provide further advice and resources regarding online safety, courtesy of our online safety training provider “National Online Safety”.