The St Joseph's Day
No limits... Just possibilities

The School Day
The school is organised in three pathways which cut across the Key Stages. Transition programmes are in place to ensure successful transition as students’ progress through the school and onto future provision.
The students are grouped according to academic levels. There up to 13 students in each class suite which is split into groups within a class suite of rooms which is led by a Teacher, Therapists and HLTA. Students are then supported by a team of STA’s and TA’s according to each individual’s needs.
Circle, Candle and Snack Time
The therapy team start the day with Circle time which involves communication and emotional regulation. This is an opportunity for the students to greet each other, chat about the previous evening and think about how they are feeling. These sessions develop the students’ social skills, conversation skills, emotional awareness of themselves and their peers, empathy and compassion. For some students they are developing their awareness of self and peers, eye contact and functional communication using AAC.
Candle time targets similar skills but occurs at the end of the day and encourages students to reflect on both the good and bad parts of their day.
During snack time the students cut up fruit and then offer it to each other. This targets food preparation skills and more social and language skills.
Students follow a generic timetable which has personalised activities and a personal sensory diet. Lessons are jointly planned and delivered by the Education and Therapy team working in an embedded model.
For residential students there are daily handovers, morning and evening, to ensure care and education staff are kept fully informed of students’ needs.
Timings of the School Day
At the start of each half term students should return to school at the times stated above.
At the end of each half term students should be collected at the regular end of school day time.
The only exception is the Summer term when students should be collected at 1:00pm. Please refer to the Term Dates for full information.
Monday | Tuesday - Thursday | Friday | |
School Starts | 09:30 | 09:00 | 09:00 |
School Ends | 15:15 | 15:15 | 15:00 |