No limits... Just possibilities

Despite the poor economic climate we continue to attract support from local and regional companies both in donations and ‘work parties’ to undertake work in the grounds. If you are interested in finding out more about how your company can help please get in touch.
- Hall & Woodhouse
- Lloyds TSB Bank
- Cranleigh Chamber of Commerce
- Howdens
Clubs & Supporters
Being part of our community is very valuable to our children, staff and families and we enjoy the support of many clubs and societies in the local area.
- Rotary Club of Cranleigh
- Cranleigh & District Lions Club
- Cranleigh & District Lion Tamers Club
- Cranleigh Parish Council
- Cranleigh Decorative & Fine Arts Society
Grant - Making Foundations
Grant-Making Foundations have provided an important source of income for the school over recent years and have been essential in providing additional facilities.
We have been fortunate to receive sizable donations from some of the larger trusts, but we are also grateful to the smaller trusts who have consistently supported us with much needed grants. We are supported by national, local and personal private trusts with help ranging from £100 – £50,000
Grant-Making Foundations have been very helpful in enabling us to get a number of new projects off the ground and particular examples have been the funding of our new 52 week residential facility – The Pavilion. We are always looking to build relationships with the new Trust donors and we have a range of projects and services for Trusts to support.
- Thames Water
- Lynn Foundation
- Yorkshire Building Society
- Skipton Building Society
- Clara E Burgess Charity
- The Nineveh Trust
- D’Oyly Charitable Trust
- Betty Riseley Trust
- Downlands Educational Trust
- The Boshier Hinton Foundation
- Rowan Bentall Charitable Trust
- Eagle Radio Trust
- Wolfson Foundation
- R. S. Brownless Charitable Trust
- The Albert Hunt Trust
- Sir Pierce Lacy Charitable Trust
- Redhill Trust
- Awards for All
- Hilton In the Community Foundation
- Surrey Community Foundation
- Variety Club
- Help a London Child
- David Solomon’s Charitable Trust
- Charlotte Marshall Charitable Trust
- Freemasons Provincial Lodge
- The Rank Foundation
- The Leathersellers Company
- Maurice & Hilda Laing Charitable Trust
- Beatrice Laing Foundation
- The Percy Bilton Charity
- Peter Harrison Foundation
- The Weinstock Fund
- The Simpson Foundation
- Garfield Weston
- Lord & Lady Taverners