
Enterprise Opportunities

Enterprise is embedded within the college curriculum and each enterprise is run as a small business.

The students design a product or service and research their competitors. They cost their products to ensure they will make a profit. They take on the responsibility for the advertising and selling of their completed goods. Some students develop their own individual enterprises working towards selling at internal school fairs and events.

Some subjects such as Horticulture, DT Workshop and Pottery will run termly enterprises, individually designed for the pathway they are teaching. Enterprises are used as the driver of the curriculum and can be presented by the class teacher, subject teacher, therapist or Work Related Learning lead. They can be run by individuals, classes or pathways.

In 2019/20 we provided Enterprise opportunities in our bakery, in two cafés and one drinks delivery service offering students meaningful work for one day each week. This gives our students a real experience of work whilst being in our safe environment. The intention is then to offer our students external work experience using the work skills they have acquired in college.


Enterprise Fortnight  

For 2 weeks in the Spring Term all students have the opportunity to take part in Enterprise Fortnight. Students gain a great sense of achievement by taking part in an enterprise and are proud to sell their products at the conclusion of their project. Any profit is given to the class to buy something for the class or to have an experience together.

Enterprise Fortnight concludes with a presentation evening. Everyone involved is invited: students, teaching staff, ancillary, maintenance, school governors and community employers. The school invites a local business person to present each of the students with an internal certificate. The evening provides an opportunity for the students’ achievements to be recognised and celebrated. The Enterprise products are sold during this evening and each student’s diary is on display.