No limits... Just possibilities
Creative Media is taught across all Pathways to provide all the students access and skill in using technology creatively. During lessons and 1:1 session, students make use of cameras, iPads, computer software, and other technical equipment. Media is taught by Mike Pritchard who is a recent graduate of illustration. Mike has brought new creative thought and an awareness of recent innovation to the team. He prioritises enabling the students to creatively problem solve and develop their own initiative within all areas of learning.
Within media students are given the opportunity to achieve qualifications such as OCR and WJEC entry level art qualifications in photography and Creative software. This allows students to use their artistic minds in conjunction with their understanding of technology to achieve a significant qualification. The percentage of students achieving qualifications in this area grows year on year.
Whole class media lessons are made as hands on as possible. A typical lesson would involve teaching them skills in how to effectively use the equipment. The most able students have won photo competitions and the skills have been used for the school’s social media. Some students are also able to encounter software such as Photoshop, WondershareFilmora and iMovie.