Catholic Life of the School and British Values

union-jack-Image taken from 2017

The core British Values have been adopted as a code to influence the underlying messages being delivered in all schools and colleges in Britain.


Our school makes collective decisions about most things, through the Trustees, the Board of Governors, the Leadership Teams and the Students through their student body, the Ideal Ideas Council. We listen to the Student Voice and ensure that democracy lies at the heart of our community.

The Rule of Law

We know that rules allow us to live safely together both at St. Joseph’s and in the wider world. Rules help us to be a successful community and we have policies; sets of rules, that cover much of what we do and we all abide by them. We develop our own rules both within classes and residential groups that allow us to understand the responsibility of law and the consequences when laws are broken.

Individual Liberty

We respect the right to freedom of each other and people in the wider world. As a school, pupils learn to value their individual rights and freedoms.  Pupils are guided on how to exercise these rights safely through our work on PSHE and the Gospel values.

Mutual Respect

We recognise that everyone is a person in their own right, has unique gifts, and should be respected as such. We study people and culture to broaden our understanding of different peoples around the world and we have strong links with schools in other countries. We have been awarded the British Council of International Schools Award and our school mascot, Joey Bear, visits countries around the world and tells us about the places he has visited. We take part in many events which embrace societies differences; Red Nose Day, Christian Aid Week, Sports Relief, Jeans for Genes, Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day and Macmillan Coffee Morning. We look beyond the school to the wider world as part of our mission of Catholic Social teaching and care for the common good and our common home.

Tolerance of those of different faiths or beliefs

As a Catholic School, we are foremost a Christian Community that welcomes staff and students of all faiths and none, equally. We enhance our pupils’ understanding of their position in a culturally diverse society by experiencing that diversity through RE, PSHE, assemblies, discussion and excursions.

Catholic values

pope-francis-Image taken form 2017 Pope Francis the leader of the Catholic Church, charges all of his Catholic Educational provisions to deliver and teach a broad and balanced curriculum that is based on the fundamental Christian Values.
His message is this:

“… I am not asking you to teach the Catholic faith or religion, I am asking you to teach Catholic values in everything you do”.

Catholic Values


At St. Joseph’s we base our entire ethos and curriculum on these long established Catholic Values and believe that they encompass fully and surpass the values cited in British Values. These values can be seen in our daily work and relationships and are embedded within our PSHE and RE curriculums and in all we do.

Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development (SMSCD) Procedures